Commissioned in 1944
Charleston, S.C.

Robert Kenneth Laird helped put the
USS Atakapa
in commission
This picture taken November 26, 2005

GM1 Laird enlisted August 1940 and retired in 1962
after 22 years of service in the Navy

Commissioning service Charleston, S.C. 1944
GM1 Laird is on the left, back row, nearest the camera

GM1 Laird was aboard the Atakapa when they were sent to Japan
as an occupational force however, the war ended just before they arrived
in Toyko Bay September 15, 1945
The Atakapa (pronounced attack-a-paw back then) and several other
ATF's used their divers to retreive gold and silver which was thrown
into Toyko Bay by the locals in an attempt to hide their treasure
Here are a few pictures from GM1 Laird's time on board the Atakapa

Group of electrictions with their mascot (Snooper)
The dog was brought with them from Charleston to Japan
Chief in center is Stewart (Stu)

Atakapa divers with "Snooper" sitting on a scooter
The scooter was brought on board after it was salvaged from
a dock fire the Atakapa was called on to extinguish-Japan 1945

1.Diver is Burger-Cox 2.Atakapa name plate 3.McClintak, Burger, Mun (cook)

1.Deck gang 2.Cooper 3.Laird-rigging for a tow

1.White, XO Casten 2.Frinka OPS Officer 3. Doc-HM1

1.CWO Bosan White, CWO McClendon-Engineering 2.Mess Deck 3. Wright BM2

1.Donald Smith 2.Dry Dock Pearl Harbor 1946

1. Paulson in sonar shack 2.Terry BM2 3.Cooper GM1, Dailey-Cook

1.Laird in 2man sub 2. Towing dry dock-1945 off West coast from
Eureka, CA to Long Beach, CA 3. Cooks-Dailey in center 4.Engineering Gang

1.CPO Quaters-Chief Stewart 2.Signalmen Gang 3.Sick Bay 4.Cooper, Cosettla, Laird

1.Frinka-Communications Officer 2.WO4 McClendon 3.? 4.Burns on watch

1.XO Casten in wardroom 2.Butler S1 3. Paulson SM1

1.20mm gun on bridge 2.Smith SM1